
The stories of our Heroes

Our EuroSkills 2021 ambassadors are former world and european champions who carry the unique spirit of the EuroSkills and WorldSkills out into the world and infect more and more young people with deep enthusiasm for their professions. Each Hero has his own unique story that has made him what he is today. Here are the success stories!

Heroes Foto Gallery

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are the answers to the most frequently asked questions about EuroSkills 2020. What are the vocational championships all about? Which organisation is responsible for it and how will EuroSkills 2020 be run?


Try a Skill

Experience the excitement of a skills competition live at the EuroSkills event in September 2020. All the trades and skills represented at EuroSkills invite young people to get involved in one of Austria’s largest careers information exhibitions. That’s why each trade or skill will also have its own interactive space alongside the competition area so that young visitors can try out the various jobs for themselves. “Try a Skill” gives young people the opportunity to gain a hands-on insight into the various occupations represented at EuroSkills.

Try a Skill

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